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Hangmann 1.20


Ranked as 29670 on our all-time top downloads list with 1910 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename hangmann.zip (Download)
Title Hangmann 1.20
Description Graph screen hangman game with a simple user interface, and external dictionary launcher system that allows for unlimited expansion. Works on any calculator from the ti-83 (82?) through the ti-84+se. Game engine is 980 bytes on calc, and launchers can be as small or as large as you make them. Change log: 1.20 Updated graphics, reduced size, and increased allowable lengths of category and answer from 6 and 13 to 11 and 22 respectively.
Author Eric Stellwagen (your_pal_eric@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Word)
File Size 14,464 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 26 02:20:18 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
HANGMANN4.gif   2289
HANGMANN1.gif   2075
HANGMANN3.gif   2203
HANGMANN2.gif   2093
DICTION.8xp   4712
HANGMANN.8xp   1039
HANG2P.8xp   223
HANG1P.8xp   2005
hangmann.txt   4122

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