Half Life Calculator by Daniel15
Ranked as 7610 on our all-time top downloads list with 5669 downloads. Ranked as 4744 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
halflife_daniel15.zip (Download)
Half Life Calculator by Daniel15
Half Life Calculator by Daniel15 is possibly the best half life calculator you can get! You can use the half life calculator to work out any unknown, including the final amount, original amount, half life and time. It supports the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 and TI-84+ calculators.
Daniel Lo Nigro (dansoftaus@yahoo.com.au)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs (Chemistry)
File Size
1,015 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Mar 18 19:49:00 2006
Documentation Included?
Review by
Nilo Rivera
Reviewed on
This program is quite original for the ticalc website regarding half-life calculators that can solve for any variable. It technically does do everything that it says and is quite easy to operate if you have plenty of patience for ads and bad algorithms. I would recommend having Cesium so that you can unlock the program and make it 10 times faster. Seriously, logarithms (esp. natural logs) could have been implemented when coming up with an algorithm instead of the unnecessary and slow "solve(" function? The "solve(" is guess and check with a few division algorithms and sometimes returns "x=0.9999999" even though the real answer is "x=1"! This is because the division algorithm approaches 1 but it doesn't recognize the limit with its algorithm. Also, when the program boots, it ruins your graph settings, clears anything you may have drawn, and bombards you with ads to Daniel15's website with the "Text(" function. If you clear the first few lines with Cesium, this is avoidable. Even when the program ends, you are left with a display of a copyright statement. It would be better if you could manipulate the result by leaving it as the answer instead of a useless copyright string. The title of the "Menu(" is longer than the width of the screen unless you use a TI-84 plus CE calculator, in which case all the ads at the beginning overlap. This program is nowhere near the best half-life calculator in my opinion and probably the opinion of every experienced programmer.
If you are trying to edit the program, keep this in mind:
ln(a^(b/c))=b*ln(a)/c |
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