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Ranked as 24455 on our all-time top downloads list with 2466 downloads.

Filename datos_estadistica.zip (Download)
Title datos_estadistica
Description In the moment to create the program it has been thought in that is easy to manage and intuitive. for the introduction of the data the program gives the option of introducing fact to fact or to enter the list, in this ùltimo case well can enter the name of the list previously created and kept in the calculator or to make it like it would be made in the screen main ò it lines of commands (it pounds), (entering the data among separate brackets each one for a comma.......)
Author Alberto rodriguez (albertorf857@gmail.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Science Programs
File Size 89,769 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 18 19:48:38 2006
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
datos_estadistica/dat_espp.89p   4535
datos_estadistica/leeme_.txt   3712
datos_estadistica/readme.txt   3824
datos_estadistica/screenshot000.GIF   41432
datos_estadistica/screenshot001.GIF   42800

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