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Checkers: AI


Ranked as 4728 on our all-time top downloads list with 7308 downloads.
Ranked as 2905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 138 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.51.

Filename checkersn.zip (Download)
Title Checkers: AI
Description The only Checkers game complete with an advanced AI computer. The AI has 3 levels of difficulty with the ability to even versus itself. Includes: AutoSave, AutoLoad, and Error detection. (View the readme for more details)
Author nitacku (nitacku@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Board/Chess, Checkers)
File Size 18,797 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 8 22:12:50 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Jane Smith
Reviewed on 2006-03-21
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

"AI Checkers" is an excellent game. It combines the classic game of checkers with an outstanding AI, a first for the TI calculators. It's particularly interesting to watch the AI verse itself.

Graphics 10/10 - Wonderful graphics (better than most assembly games)
AI 10/10 - The AI is excellent (I can only win half the time on level 3)
Speed 10/10 - The AI takes only 10 seconds to move
Controls 10/10 - Anyone could play it
Features 10/10 - Has every feature imaginable (Even auto save and auto load)
Replayibility 10/10 – With all the features, it never gets boring
Memory 8/10 - A bit large, but definitely worth it
Overall 10/10 - AI Checkers is the best checkers game for the TI calculators ever. If you want a game that is both fun and challenging, this is the game to get.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Checkers/CHECKERS.8xp   12417
Checkers/Pic8.8xi   832
Checkers/Readme.txt   3866
Checkers/Screen Shots/SCREEN01.GIF   2598
Checkers/Screen Shots/SCREEN02.GIF   2451
Checkers/Screen Shots/SCREEN03.GIF   2313
Checkers/Screen Shots/SCREEN04.GIF   2625
Checkers/Screen Shots/SCREEN05.GIF   2656

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