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ACT Score Estimator


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Ranked as 28950 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename actscore.zip (Download)
Title ACT Score Estimator
Description This program is a handy tool to estimate your ACT score from practice tests and practice books. To use it, you simply choose which test you are working on (English, Math, Reading, or Science Reasoning), then put how many problems you got right out of how many possible. This way, you can do any number of practice problems (up to 99). The program returns the approximate scale score 1-36. I created this program for students preparing for the ACT and who wanted to know immediately how good +7/10 correct on a Reading passage was without having to complete an entire practice test. Again, with this program, you can get approximate ACT scale scores with any number of items possible. Have fun studying! Good luck juniors and seniors! For esoteric geeks only: the formulas within the program were derived using a TI83+SE by doing a quartic regression on the scale score table for ACT form 0359F. Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with ACT. The scores given by this utility are approximate and should not be understood as the actual score you will receive on the official test. The same person may score +/- up to 3 points on different days taking the ACT.
Author Joshua Huber (learn@joshuahuber.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Educational Programs (Agenda, Homework Tracking, Schedule Programs)
File Size 1,844 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Nov 27 13:35:06 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ACTscore.8xp   1516
ReadMe.txt   1312

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