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Donut land


Ranked as 31706 on our all-time top downloads list with 1676 downloads.

Filename donutland.zip (Download)
Title Donut land
Description Here is a relatively easy level set for mario 2.0. Its levels have a donut lift theme. Donut lifts are the platforms that fall when you land on them. There is no password so feel free to modify.
Author gabriel sternrobbinns (sternrobbinsgabe@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels (Mario)
File Size 979 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 19 13:16:17 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No


Review by  Austin Gerschler
Reviewed on 2005-11-27
It's so bad, and yet so good. The first level is the most "difficult", but it gives you so many extra lives that I was in the 300s when I beat it. The rest of the levels are pretty simplistic, but the bowser one can be a bit tricky. It's addicting in a strange way.



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