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Graphic Design System (v2.3)


Ranked as 29728 on our all-time top downloads list with 1905 downloads.

Filename graphicd.zip (Download)
Title Graphic Design System (v2.3)
Description This is the best graphic Design system out there. It has APD on the menu plus lots of features that other graphics programs don't have. You can save HUNDREDS of pictures. It can save pictures as lists and Calc pictures. So you can have as many pictures as you want and name them what you want! It is MirageOS compatible. It is the FASTEST system out there. It has pen, boxes, lines, inverses, text, and many, many more features. They're in the README.
Author Joshua Timothy (08jtimothy@davis.k12.ut.us)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Drawing)
File Size 13,411 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 2 02:29:20 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
STOREPIC.8xp   153
GRAFD.8xl   850
CALLPIC.8xp   148
CODEX.8xp   908
DARTH.GIF   1899
DARTH2.GIF   2234
ART_LINK1.GIF   2251
GRAPHICD.8xp   3990
LOGO.8xp   695
READMEFIRST!!!.txt   3944
Xmonster.GIF   1946

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