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Control System Toolbox r1.3


Ranked as 161 on our all-time top downloads list with 50205 downloads.
Ranked as 13790 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 177 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.45.

Filename cst.zip (Download)
Title Control System Toolbox r1.3
Description CST r1.3 is a suite for Control Systems Analysis, Design and Tuning. CST features Continuous and Discrete Time Transfer Functions, Time Delay, Bode, Nyquist, Root Locus and Step Response Plots, Laplace and Zeta Tranformations, Mag and Phase Margins, Lead and Lag Networks Design, P, PI, PD, PID Design and Tuning and much more...
Author Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Electricity)
File Size 274,517 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 2 16:39:30 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Mike Webster
Reviewed on 2006-10-22
This kit has some great pieces to it. If you're taking a control systems class, get this toolbox.

Pros: Nyquist, Bode, Routh matrices, Laplace transforms, Root Locus, controller design (PI,PD,PID), conversion from H(s) to canonical feedback form, transforms transfer functions to and from state space, entering transfer function by direct function, zero,pole,gain method, or a coefficient list. Also covers some digital domain stuff, but I haven't used any of it.

The only real cons are the fact that for all but the simplest transfer function, the Bode and Root Locus plots are VERY slow. But seeing as how it has to estimate/evaluate from 0->infinity or across multiple decades, I can see how that would slow things down.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
cst-1.3/.DS_Store   6148
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/.DS_Store   6148
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/kerno31/.DS_Store   6148
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/kerno31/hw3patch.89z   1399
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/kerno31/hw3patch.txt   3812
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/kerno31/KerNO.89z   1705
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/kerno31/KerNO.txt   3900
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/lzt/.DS_Store   6148
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/lzt/lzt.txt   1282
cst-1.3/cst-1.3-tools/lzt/lztR7.89g   43908
cst-1.3/cst-1.3.89g/.DS_Store   6148
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cst-1.3/cst-1.3.89g/zpkdata.89f   230
cst-1.3/CSTStartGuide.pdf   244451
cst-1.3/Loreto Parisi Home Page.url   75
cst-1.3/loreto_parisi@yahoo.it.mailloc   261

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