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PowerComPress v0.9


Ranked as 4579 on our all-time top downloads list with 7283 downloads.
Ranked as 870 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 15 downloads.
Ranked as 485 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.56.

Filename pcp.zip (Download)
Title PowerComPress v0.9
Description PowerComPress is a fast and powerful file compression tool, based on the BriefLZ-algorithm of Joergen Ibsen and featuring a graphical browser based on Advanced Dialogs. You can compress files and folders to nearly unlimited-sized GroupFiles (if they are too large, they will be splitted), view them inside the GroupFiles and decompress them. PowerComPress additionally supports TIOS file actions ((un)archive, delete) and two themes for the browser.
Author Jonas Gehring (saubue@mobifiles.de)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 223,834 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 2 16:29:51 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Travis Evans
Reviewed on 2007-10-05
Evaluation time: 12 days (Feb. 10, 2007 to Feb. 22, 2007)

Tested on: HW2 TI-89 with AMS 2.09

Pros: Very useful; fairly reliable; achieves decent compression

Cons: Has very severe RAM leaks; no TI-BASIC-accessible interface for automating tasks; very heavy free RAM requirements and corrupts the group file being operated on when RAM is insufficient.

* Stability/Reliability: 4/10

* Features: 7/10

* Size/Efficiency: 8/10

* Ease of use/Usability: 7/10

* Documentation: 9/10

* Overall: 6/10

Recommended: Not until the memory leaks are fixed

PowerComPress is an extremely useful tool for saving space on your calculator without deleting files you don't use often. It can compress any set of files (even if they're from different folders) into a few PCP files, keeping them out of the way. You could also use PowerComPress to back up data to the Flash Archive while saving space.

The user interface isn't bad, although I find the splash screen on first run annoying since it can't be skipped, and the “drop-down” menu animation slows things down unnecessarily. The important menu items have shortcut keys, though, so that makes up for this. Other minor annoyances are that some special characters (e.g., Greek letters) show up as black boxes instead of the correct symbol, and when PowerComPress is run from a BASIC program, it doesn't hide the temporary folders used by AMS to hold local variables, which clutters the folder list.

The progress bars when compressing and decompressing files are very neat and are one of my favorite features. They also visually depict the compression ratio during compression. Compression is very good and fast for a calculator.

Feature-wise, my biggest disappointment is that PCP doesn't provide any means of performing operations via command arguments. This would have made it possible to write TI-BASIC programs that could automatically compress or extract a set of variables with little or no user interaction, such as for backup purposes or for programs that extract other compressed programs on-the-fly and run them. A couple of other features would have been nice: the ability to remove files from PCP archives and a “freshen” feature to update the files in a PCP archive. And since PCP seems to need a lot of free RAM for compression, an option to just store the files without compressing them would have been nice for low-RAM situations.

I have not had PCP crash yet, but it still has very severe problems. For one, when compression fails (apparently due to low RAM; PCP often seems to need over 100,000 bytes free), the PCP file being operated on is corrupted and rendered unusable. So if you had added any valuable files to the PCP file before, you have just lost them. But worst of all, the PCP version I used seems to have a major memory leak. I discovered with Command Post Plus and SuperStart that when compressing and extracting files, I permanently lose enormous amounts of free RAM that isn't taken up by the newly extracted files. RAM gets lower and lower each time I use PCP. A normal RAM reset from the MEM screen /does not/ free it; the only solution is to use [2nd]+[Left]+[Right]+[ON]. This bug, sadly, greatly limits PCP's practicality at present. If the author corrects these issues, Stability/Reliability could score a perfect 10/10, and I will recommend PCP.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
PowerComPress/bin/TI89 & TI98Titanium/PowerCompress.89y   19426
PowerComPress/bin/TI89 & TI98Titanium/PowerCompress.89z   1095
PowerComPress/bin/TI92+/PowerCompress.9xy   19426
PowerComPress/bin/TI92+/PowerCompress.9xz   1095
PowerComPress/bin/Voyage200 PLT/PowerCompress.v2y   19426
PowerComPress/bin/Voyage200 PLT/PowerCompress.v2z   1095
PowerComPress/boolsoft homepage.url   84
PowerComPress/GNU Public License.txt   15250
PowerComPress/readme.txt   9009
PowerComPress/screenshots/movie.gif   44393
PowerComPress/screenshots/screen0.gif   1667
PowerComPress/screenshots/screen1.gif   1422
PowerComPress/screenshots/screen2.gif   1724
PowerComPress/screenshots/screen3.gif   1605
PowerComPress/screenshots/screen4.gif   1864
PowerComPress/source/AdvDialogs.a   20324
PowerComPress/source/advdialogs.h   4849
PowerComPress/source/boolsoft.h   2612
PowerComPress/source/brieflz.c   5237
PowerComPress/source/brieflz.h   2720
PowerComPress/source/crc32.c   2058
PowerComPress/source/depack.c   3031
PowerComPress/source/extgraph.a   325276
PowerComPress/source/extgraph.h   114889
PowerComPress/source/fileutil.c   5624
PowerComPress/source/folder.c   76
PowerComPress/source/FontUtils.c   1802
PowerComPress/source/FontUtils.h   1073
PowerComPress/source/font_4x6_Hex.h   4343
PowerComPress/source/GraySingleSprite8_XOR_R.s   1865
PowerComPress/source/group.c   34355
PowerComPress/source/group_old.c   11981
PowerComPress/source/gui.c   20372
PowerComPress/source/pcpress.c   1934
PowerComPress/source/pcpress.h   3376
PowerComPress/source/PowerCompress.tpr   1798

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