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Xmonster (v3.0)


Ranked as 17468 on our all-time top downloads list with 3254 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename xmonster.zip (Download)
Title Xmonster (v3.0)
Description Here is a AVANCED BASIC GAME. It does not get boring. It keeps programs in the archive. It has APD system on the menu. All graphic menus!!! It has special automated characters! The AI is very inteligent and does what no other program does: IT CAN LEARN. Your a person and are chased by a monster. It gets harder as it goes. The monster changes the game play like making it dark and all sorts of changes. The more points you get the cooler effects take place. Don't give up after 10 points. Look at the demonstration and try it out.
Author Joshua Timothy (08jtimothy@davis.k12.ut.us)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 45,848 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 11 22:40:36 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  luther medalvander
Reviewed on 2008-04-07
This game is not particularly unique. All you do is avoid the

bad guy and get point for collecting things, I played it for a while, to witness the "Effects" the bad guy puts out, and they wern't very impressive. Just for fun, I unlocked it to look at the source code, and found that it actually uses assembly.

BASIC my foot!

And frankly i could not tell that the game used assembly until i looked at the source code. It looked like just another basic game. And not a very imaginative one at that.

If this game had been put under ASSEMBLY as it SHOULD have, it would receive a better rating

game play: 2/10 Not very exciting

Graphics: 1/10 For Assembly, horrible.

Re-playability 3/10 Nothing changes or gets better

Overall: 2/10 Don't Download it, not worth it


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CODEX.8xp   908
Pic3.8xi   832
XMONSTER.8xp   2086
LOGO.8xp   695
Readme.txt   1869
Xmonster.GIF   51138

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