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CP Calculator v1.3


Ranked as 11823 on our all-time top downloads list with 4278 downloads.

Filename cpcalc13.zip (Download)
Title CP Calculator v1.3
Description This is an extremely simple yet useful program to be used in elementary energy balance courses and other chemical engineering applications, is used to perform change of Enthalpy calculations involving a simple compound or a mixture of chemical substances, it can be used with a given mol number or specific value, you can also include phase changes,and then it calculates the change of enthalpy between a given initial temperature to a final temperature. With the constants of heat capacity for the compound(s), the cp equation type and the enthalpy of phase change (if applicable). (you can find the constants in chemistry and chemical engineering literature i.e. Felder, Himmelblau, Perry, then you simply enter the values and get the calculations. It simplifies the hard work of evaluating the integrals for the cp polinomial by hand and specially when there are more than 2 compounds.
Author Luis Eduardo Gomez y Gomez (shoukov@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Chemistry)
File Size 34,705 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 29 02:48:15 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SCREEN05.GIF   5084
SCREEN06.GIF   5222
cp calculator readme.txt   11609
cp.cp.89p   2275
SCREEN01.GIF   3572
SCREEN02.GIF   6244
SCREEN03.GIF   5526
SCREEN04.GIF   4888

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