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Ranked as 794 on our all-time top downloads list with 19950 downloads.
Ranked as 3068 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 94 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.61.

Filename wizards_beta.zip (Download)
Title Wizards_Beta
Description This is a beta of Wizards, which is a card game like Magic:The Gathering with animation an many graphics. It's written in ASM, the source file is not included. The beta is fully playable, just the credits and a few other things are missing. The object of the game is building your own deck of 40 cards and fighting against monsters. I spent a lot of my free-time in this game - so please download it and enjoy it. -NanoWar
Author Robert Kuhfß (post@robertkuhfss.de)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 158,899 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Sep 27 17:13:43 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Ben Nagy
Reviewed on 2007-12-11
I live for four things. One of those is Magic: the Gathering. An ingenious game, by Wizards of the Coast, this game has, for the most part, been reproduced for the calculator.

The game itself is flawless, a great system, and the program has no bugs. It can't beat the original, but it sure can get close.

It takes a while to get through all of the tournaments, but the mainproblem is that it is really hard to get any enjoyment out of it after a while. Eventually, you a deck that wins every time.

Regardless, you should at least try it out.

Speed: 10/10

Perfect speed with animations, etc.

Gameplay: 9/10

Extremely fun!

Replay: 5/10

It eventually gets old.

Graphics: 8/10

Amazing sprites!

Resources: 6/10

Big, but worth it.

Overall: 7/10

Okay game, could use improvements, but that's why it's a beta, right?

See 15 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Wizards_Beta/Ion/WIZARDS.83P   17170
Wizards_Beta/Ion/Wizards.8xp   17173
Wizards_Beta/MirageOS/Wizards.8xp   17202
Wizards_Beta/Wizards.txt   2281
Wizards_Beta/Wizards.ICO   9894
Wizards_Beta/Screenshots/Wizards_Beta_Screenshot_01.gif   171562
Wizards_Beta/Screenshots/Wizards_Beta_Screenshot_02.gif   1304

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