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Hawk v1.00


Ranked as 1831 on our all-time top downloads list with 11828 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename hawk.zip (Download)
Title Hawk v1.00
Description This game is a classical 'shoot-them-up' with differential scrolling and beautiful graphics, programmed in C language in nostub mode. You are in the space and have a simple mission: to eliminate all the enemies who are polluting your planet. Be careful ! These enemies may have weapons too ! There are two modes: EASY and HARD. In the second one, you can earn more points but there are more enemies. You can begin the game with 3, 4 or 5 lives: the more lives you have at the beginning, the less points you can then earn. In the game, you can catch bonuses which can help (or disadvantage) you. There are 8 different bonuses. Good luck ! Compatible all 68k calcs. Optimized calculator programs added.
Author Olivier GIVAUDAN (olivier_givaudan@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 569,641 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 12 19:05:20 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Peter Fernandes
Reviewed on 2005-08-31
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

When I first ran “Hawk”, I was astounded by the wonderful use of grayscale graphics. The menus were attractive, and the game screen was also very well done. However, this astonishment wore off after I began to play the game. There is not nearly enough contrast between the enemies and the background, causing one to have to squint to see them. This game could potentially keep you entertained for a short while, but there are better shooters out there.

Graphics - 9/10 - Beautiful title screen
Controls - 10/10 - Just the arrows and 2nd
Gameplay - 7/10 - Better under favorable light conditions
Attention - 7/10 - It'll keep you entertained for a while.
Overall - 8/10

Although the gameplay may be lacking in some areas, it appears as though a lot of time was put into “Hawk”, and it shows.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI89 & TI89T/hawk.89y   22594
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI89 & TI89T/hawk.89z   1099
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI92+ & V200/hawk.9xy   22952
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI92+ & V200/hawk.9xz   1099
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI92+ & V200/hawk.v2y   22952
hawk/Calculator Optimized Programs/TI92+ & V200/hawk.v2z   1099
hawk/gfx/hawk_gfx.89y   42624
hawk/gfx/hawk_gfx.9xy   42624
hawk/gfx/hawk_gfx.v2y   42624
hawk/READ-ME.txt   5022
hawk/Source/animations.h   10237
hawk/Source/bombes.h   9971
hawk/Source/clavier.h   2480
hawk/Source/divers.h   36697
hawk/Source/extgraph.a   368164
hawk/Source/extgraph.h   113880
hawk/Source/fontes.h   1815
hawk/Source/gfx/build.bat   270
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.89y   42624
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.89z   42715
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.9xy   42624
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.9xz   42715
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.bin   42528
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.c   167488
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.o   44805
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.tpr   1164
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.v2y   42624
hawk/Source/gfx/hawk_gfx.v2z   42715
hawk/Source/gfx/TOVAR.EXE   4096
hawk/Source/gfx/ttarchive.exe   14848
hawk/Source/gfx/ttextract.exe   4096
hawk/Source/graphique.h   2544
hawk/Source/hawk.89y   24507
hawk/Source/hawk.89z   1099
hawk/Source/hawk.9xy   24507
hawk/Source/hawk.9xz   1099
hawk/Source/hawk.c   6087
hawk/Source/hawk.o   134575
hawk/Source/hawk.tpr   1642
hawk/Source/hawk.v2y   24507
hawk/Source/hawk.v2z   1099
hawk/Source/hiscores.h   2807
hawk/Source/images.h   38722
hawk/Source/initialise.h   8533
hawk/Source/listes.h   13729
hawk/Source/memoire.h   12584
hawk/Source/menus.h   13935
hawk/Source/prototypes.h   5339
hawk/Source/READ-ME.txt   5022
hawk/TI89 & TI89T/hawk.89y   24507
hawk/TI89 & TI89T/hawk.89z   1099
hawk/TI92+ & V200/hawk.9xy   24507
hawk/TI92+ & V200/hawk.9xz   1099
hawk/TI92+ & V200/hawk.v2y   24507
hawk/TI92+ & V200/hawk.v2z   1099

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