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Nukewar ION


Ranked as 14541 on our all-time top downloads list with 3706 downloads.

Filename nukewar.zip (Download)
Title Nukewar ION
Description A battleship like game, only a bit more complex. Two player turn based strategy game where the main objective is to destroy the enemy command bunker with nuclear stikes. Players can use spies, research weapon upgrades, and anihilate the countryside and each others buildings. Similiar to the BASIC version, only runs faster and doesnt have animations. New in Version 3.0:The two players can be controlled by humans or they can be controlled by the calc, or the player can fight against the calc. There are three different strategies that the bot can use, and an additional option exists allowing the bot to change its strategy.
Author Tim Callahan (oh_one_tim@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Strategy)
File Size 55,873 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 12 19:01:58 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Gabriel Rath
Reviewed on 2006-12-22
"NukeWar ION" would be a great game, if it had not been for the stupidity of the AI and the repetitiveness in placing the structures. This is, however, my favorite rendition of Battleship for the TI-83+.

Controls: 10/10 Basically only the number pad and ENTER.

Gameplay: 9/10 Good example of how important it is to have some of everything, for if you loose all of one specific building type (except for farms), you just lost the game. However, I noticed that there always is a column of grass on one of the sides.

Replayablility: 8/10 In the end, you will develop a winning strategy that will always beat the AI and you will get bored of the game. The only reason you should keep this game is because you get to cream your friends, who maybe aren't as stupid as the AI.

AI: 7/10 The AI for this game is good for when you start playing the game, but when you master the basics, it will become the worst AI you have ever seen in your life.

Overall: 9.2/10 Good game, but would be better with an option of beginner AI or expert AI.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
country.gif   1363
ionmod.inc   12294
nuke.gif   1539
nukewar readme.txt   16366
nukewar.8xp   10128
NUKEWAR.83P   10126
nukewar.z80   135362

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