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Crash Bandicoot


Ranked as 2005 on our all-time top downloads list with 11181 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename crashti.zip (Download)
Title Crash Bandicoot
Description Crash Bandicoot is an adaptation of the PSX game of the same name. Crash must destroy all to reach and beat the bad Dr Néo Cortex to free his fiancee. On this version, 6 levels are available
Author Limmt Ribeman (limmt@tigen.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 153,683 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 1 17:53:00 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Aaron Mckaw
Reviewed on 2018-01-14
So the legendary Ps1 game gets a port. can it be as good as the original? This is the only 3d platforming game on a calculator as far as I've seen. So how good is it?

Graphics 9/10 They get the job done but there nothing special

Gameplay 8.5/10 Can get a bit difficult at times

Replay ability 7/10 There's no alternate paths its the same every time.

Overall 8.5/10 Totally worth checking out.

I don't have any major issues with this game but people interested keep in mind this game is very different from the original.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
caissgfx.89y   21216
caissgfx.9xy   21216
cgfx.89y   58276
cgfx.9xy   58276
cgfx2.89y   32096
cgfx2.9xy   32096
crash.89y   28539
crash.89z   1099
crash.9xy   28539
crash.9xz   1099
crash.v2y   28539
crash.v2z   1099
lisezmoi.txt   1190
readme.txt   1109

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