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S.I.M. Combat (Demo)


Ranked as 24905 on our all-time top downloads list with 2421 downloads.
Ranked as 3478 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename simcombat.zip (Download)
Title S.I.M. Combat (Demo)
Description (Included in this download are Chapter 1: Part 1 to Chapter 2: Part 4) Definitley my best game of all time! In this game you play Mitchell Fisher, who gets a S.I.M. (Semi-ficial Intelligence Mechanism) for his birthday. He makes a deal with his friend Ben that he'll leave town to train his S.I.M so they can have a re-match to see who's best. This game is almost fully graphical with great pictures and a new battle style that I haven't used in any of my games yet. It takes up a lot of space but it's worth it. If you find any errors, spelling mistakes, or any problems whatsoever please contact me. I probably won't finish this game for the calculator, instead I'll make a Flash game for it (Macromedia, not TI).
Author Greg McLeod (carnivoreater2@netscape.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 28,813 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 8 02:57:23 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
BEGMOVIE.8XG   10253
CHP1PRT1.8XG   5441
CHP1PRT2.8XG   5047
CHP1PRT3.8XG   7229
CHP2PRT1.8XG   4164
CHP2PRT2.8XG   7847
CHP2PRT3.8XG   6890
CHP2PRT4.8XG   6497
FILES.8XG   17306
S.I.M Readme.txt   2806
LEQP2.8XL   103
LGME1.8XL   121
LGME2.8XL   121
LITM1.8XL   148
LITM2.8XL   148
LSTAT1.8XL   166
LSTAT2.8XL   166
LBATT.8XL   112
LEQP1.8XL   103

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