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Ranked as 353 on our all-time top downloads list with 32251 downloads.
Ranked as 2226 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 519 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.42.

Filename rom8x.zip (Download)
Title rom8x
Description rom8x is a console program that will aid one in creating a ROM file. It does not require specific linking software, as everything on the calculator-end is saved into an AppVar which is sendable via all computer<->calculator linking software, so as long as you can send and receive programs, you are all set. Now updated to support all 83+ and 84+ calculators, including the 84+ CSE.
Authors Andree Chea (kryptic_89@yahoo.com)
Peter Marheine (peter@taricorp.net)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 150,348 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Oct 1 20:00:16 2014
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Jason Levandowski
Reviewed on 2018-06-23
This is the only type of program I've used before, and I am just posting this review to say that it requires the use of command prompt, which if you are unfamiliar with will make creating a ROM for an emulator very difficult.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
rom8x-0.3.2/83PBE/G83PBE1.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/83PSE/G83PSE1.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84CSE/G84CSE1.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84CSE/G84CSE2.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84PBE/G84PBE1.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84PBE/G84PBE2.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84PSE/G84PSE1.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/84PSE/G84PSE2.8xp   247
rom8x-0.3.2/LICENSE.txt   18093
rom8x-0.3.2/README.html   12757
rom8x-0.3.2/README.txt   7306
rom8x-0.3.2/rom8x.exe   115555
rom8x-0.3.2/src/.hgignore   99
rom8x-0.3.2/src/.hg_archival.txt   148
rom8x-0.3.2/src/build.bat   407
rom8x-0.3.2/src/build.sh   351
rom8x-0.3.2/src/html/nav.js   256
rom8x-0.3.2/src/html/style.css   492
rom8x-0.3.2/src/LICENSE.txt   18093
rom8x-0.3.2/src/Makefile   434
rom8x-0.3.2/src/README.md   6914
rom8x-0.3.2/src/rom8x.c   18069
rom8x-0.3.2/src/template.z80   1355
rom8x-0.3.2/src/ti83plus.inc   157944
rom8x-0.3.2/src/ti84pcse.inc   121450

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