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Fifteen v1.1


Ranked as 13522 on our all-time top downloads list with 3893 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename fifteen.zip (Download)
Title Fifteen v1.1
Description The classic game 15! The objective is to slide all the pieces into numerical order.
Author Robbie McElrath (robbiemcelrath@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 3,101 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 1 04:57:52 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Alejandro Hernandez
Reviewed on 2007-02-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

"Fifteen v1.0" is the only 15 puzzle program for the TI-83+ series. It is a small file (572 bytes on the calculator). The game has a simple, staight-forward objective: slide the blocks into position from 1 to 15. The controls are simple, up/down/left/right, and just use the arrow corresponding to the direction in which you want to slide the piece. The game uses a method to randomly place all "pieces" on the board; which means that there is a fifty percent chance of getting a "15-14" situation (one which the board is completely aligned except for the 15 and the 14, and is impossible to solve). But If you like puzzle games and if you have a TI-83+/SE/84+/84+SE this game is for you.


Gameplay: 10/10 - Its just a 15 puzzle.

Graphics: 8/10 - Not bad at all yet easy on the eye.

Replayability: 9/10 - Every new ussle generated is random.

Originality: 10/10 - One of a kind for the TI-83+ Series

Overall: 47/50 - Only recomendation to the author is to fix the "15-14" problem.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
fifteen.8xp   660
Fifteen.asm   3854
README.txt   1520

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