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Chicago v1.01 - 2 Player Poker Link Game (USB, I/O) Swedish


Ranked as 29067 on our all-time top downloads list with 1969 downloads.
Ranked as 29505 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename chicagoswe.zip (Download)
Title Chicago v1.01 - 2 Player Poker Link Game (USB, I/O) Swedish
Description This version of Chicago does only include the Swedish version of the game. Look out for the English version, it should be available now. USB och I/O länkspel för två räknare, använder ZCom - Kommunikationsrutin för spel (v2.11). Poängpoker med tre byten, poängutdelning för den högsta handen efter både första och andra bytet. Därefter byte inför stick, den som tar det sista sticket får fem poäng; efter sticket poängutdelning för den högsta handen. Den som först får 52 poäng har vunnit. När man har 46 poäng eller mer får man inte byta mer.
Author Johan Rydh (jrydh@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Casino/Cards)
File Size 162,573 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Feb 2 05:07:31 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Jasper Hilven
Reviewed on 2009-01-27
This game was in the beginning quite hard to understand, but once you played it twice, you can't get enough of this great poker alike two calc multiplayer-game!!The use of Zcom(made by the programmer itself) is fantastic!

The great thing of it is that it is one of the few you games calc to calc with an USB cable (as the IO cable isn't included with the TI84+(SE)). This also very useful for every adept BASIC programmer who wants to make a fast link game and use the fantastic zcom.

gameplay: 10/10 very good game with a lot of options, strategys and of course the greatest thing is that you can play against someone else.

programming: 12/10 really fast and no errors + its a link game

graphics: 10/10 (for a basic card game)

replay value: 20000/10!!! this calc to calc multiplayer game is really addictive!!!!

total score 5008 / 10 !!download!download!download!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Resource/LdSource (Eng).8xp   304
Resource/LdSource (Swe).8xp   308
Resource/Resource Readme.txt   12673
Resource/Resource.8xp   563
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZCom - Logo.gif   1548
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZGet - complex.gif   63807
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZGet - string.gif   65735
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZSend - complex.gif   51619
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZSend - string.gif   49930
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/LdSource (Eng).8xp   304
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/LdSource (Swe).8xp   308
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/Resource Readme.txt   12673
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/Resource.8xp   563
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/ZCOMDATA.8xv   2436
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/ZCOMLOGO.8XP   724
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom ReadMe (Short Info).txt   1779
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom ReadMe.htm   19917
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom v2.11 (Short Syntax Version ReadMe).doc   30208
Anslutning.gif   1911
Byte inf”r stick.gif   1452
Exempel.gif   13517
F”rsta bytet.gif   1326
Meny.gif   2148
Regler.gif   1633
Resultat.gif   952
Start.gif   670
Stick.gif   1401
Instruktion.txt   8730
Chicago.8xp   4048
ZchDraw.8xp   757
ZchMeny.8xp   600
ZchRegel.8xp   1940
ZchRemov.8xp   153
ZchSave.8xp   318
ZchStick.8xp   2147

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