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Anesmef 1.1


Ranked as 1979 on our all-time top downloads list with 11258 downloads.
Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 96 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.61.

Filename anesmefv200.zip (Download)
Title Anesmef 1.1
Description Anesmef 1,1 is a program to calculate structures in the plane with the programming method "Step by step", by means of the matrix method of the rigidity (M.E.F). It calculates structures with tensile and inextensibles bars or beams (porches, mixed armors, truss structures, with projections and even with central lozenges in members, etc...). It allows symbolic calculations or numerical, to visualize the matrix of reduced rigidity, to see how the displacements calculate transforming the matrix of rigidity by means of Gaussian or Cramer... Anesmef it is a robust program, it allows to calculate inclined members, with thermal loads, elastic misalignments of length, wharves, establishment in supports, and it even calculates the results with the exact numerical fraction, with easy change of format decimal. Anesmef does what others do not do. Anesmef 1.1 es un programa para calcular estructuras en el plano con el método de programación "Paso a Paso", mediante el método matricial de la rigidez (M.E.F). Calcula estructuras con barras o vigas extensibles e inextensibles (pórticos, armaduras, estructuras mixtas, con voladizos e incluso con rótulas centrales en miembros, emparrilados, etc...). Permite cálculos simbólicos o numéricos, visualizar la matriz de rigidez reducida, ver cómo se calculan los desplazamientos transformando la matriz de rigidez mediante Gauss o Cramer...Anesmef es un programa robusto, permite calcular miembros inclinados, con cargas térmicas, desajustes de longitud, muelles elásticos, asentamiento en apoyos, e incluso calcula los resultados con la fracción numérica exacta, con cambio fácil de formato decimal. Anesmef hace lo que otros no hacen.
Author José Manuel Gómez Vega (gomezvega@hotmail.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Science Programs
File Size 2,431,652 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 13 00:35:25 2005
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
anesmef3.9xG   110117
Anesmef (portada).gif   2378
Anesmef referencia breve.txt   1804
Anesmef.sav   721380
Manual Anesmef 1.1.pdf   779145
Problemas de Anesmef.pdf   296277
Versi¢n Anesmef 1.1 Built 030 Beta.txt   10352
videomef2a.gif   644169
videomef2b.gif   674136
videomef2c.gif   502675
anesmef1.9xG   37589
anesmef2.9xG   140988

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