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Circle Pong


Ranked as 22300 on our all-time top downloads list with 2686 downloads.
Ranked as 4531 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename cpongkudasoft2.zip (Download)
Title Circle Pong
Description Circle Pong is quite easy to describe: it's a pong... on a Circle...
Author Léo Ducas (kuda_leo@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 6,460 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 23 23:31:48 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on 2005-07-09
One word: "Wow"

This is a truly original and awesome adaptation of the classic "Pong". Though the AI can be a little difficult, it is still possible to win. I won my first game after around 10 minutes of playing, so that's definitely a plus. Though it is just one picture, the graphics are superb in what appears to be some kind of a Chinese setting.

The graphical representation of filling up the scoring bars is neat. It is a whole lot more interesting than just numbers on the screen. The controls can be a little bit tricky, but maybe that's just me. I also like the "bonus" feature that gives you more points.

All in all:
Graphics: 8/10
Controls: 8/10
Repeat value: 7/10 [Any pong game will get boring after a while]
AI: 10/10
Originality: 8/10
Overall: 41/50 [82%]
Great job!!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CPONG.83P   2647
CPONG.8XP   2651
screen.PNG   1096
readme.txt   3098

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