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Calcman 5


Ranked as 29316 on our all-time top downloads list with 1951 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename calcman.zip (Download)
Title Calcman 5
Description Tired of programs that have bugs? Well, this one has NONE! Completely reviewed! Here are a few of its features: Quick-Play Mode Expert-Play Mode Target Practice Shop/Sell View Gold Nuggets You may buy multiple weapons and fight bad guys that have multiple weapons. Also, expect timed trials soon! A MUST download! If you're thinking "What is calcman?" then I'm telling you it is a fun game in which you battle against bad guys that move arund the screen. Includes "About" section. Update: Calcman 5 has been updated and now features a cheats! Screenshot of the weaopon cheat being activated included.
Author bfr (bfrsoccer@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Games
File Size 2,023 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 5 21:54:12 2005
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Sam Kumar
Reviewed on 2006-01-31
I have tried this file on Virtual TI. It is a mediocre BASIC game. The graphics are on par. One must remember that this is in BASIC. The usability is easy. It is a semi-addicting game where you shoot people. It is now a shoot-'em-up, but it is like “Block Dude” if the dude had a gun and was in BASIC. If you like to shoot people with little ray guns, download this. Remember, though, the quality is not too good


Graphics: 7/10
Addiction: 7/10
Usability: 10/10
Originality: 3/10 (come on, a game where you shoot people is not too original, no offense)
Overall: 6/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CALCMAN.86p   4808

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