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The Ultimate Algebra II and Geometry Collection!!


Ranked as 229 on our all-time top downloads list with 41449 downloads.
Ranked as 4143 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 233 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.29.

Filename algebra2plus.zip (Download)
Title The Ultimate Algebra II and Geometry Collection!!
Description ***NOTE: The Area/Volume bug is fixed.***This is a must download. This program has over 60 functions, including: unknowns, quadratic, radical simplifier (any root), inequality graphing, logarithms of any base, multiplying and dividing polynomials, finding all roots of a polynomial, factoring any degree polynomial, sequences and series, binomial expansion, 70! and up, graphing with X=, conics, i^x, sectors/arcs, pythagorean, geometric means, circumfrence, area/volume, distance formula, polygon functions, and many more!! As an added bonus, all answers in the geometry program are in simplified radical form. In addition to that, the alebra II section has the best absolute value inequality solver out there. Also this basic program was compiled into an application!! (thanks to Martin Warmer's Basic Builder App Creator).
Author Chip Hurst (chipcalc@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 52,713 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 12 14:58:51 2005
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Carl Trank
Reviewed on 2006-02-27
This is an excellent set of two apps that can help tremendously with algebra and geometry problems. There is a whole lot that I do not even know how to use, even after acing algebra 2. This will help me a lot in Geometry this year. There are a few bugs, but nothing significant. For example, it will not let me calculate slope between the points (1,2) and (3,5), even though is supposed to. But, then again, isn't slope easy enough?

I used to use a TI-89, but when I realized that it was illegal on the ACT, I switched to the TI-83 Plus. With these programs, my 83 can do just about all I ever used my 89 for.

Overall, I highly recommend this program for anyone in high school math that wants to save time doing simple calculations. I give this a 9 out of 10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Screenshots/SCREEN02.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN03.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN06.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN07.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN08.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN09.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN10.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN11.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN12.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN01.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN05.BMP   73782
Screenshots/SCREEN04.BMP   73782
Alg2Geom Readme.txt   788
Geom Basic format/A.8xp   174
Geom Basic format/PD.8xp   754
Geom Basic format/ZFRAC.8xp   154
Geom Basic format/ZSQRT.8xp   568
Application format/A+ Alg2 .8xk   31524
Application format/A+ Geom .8xk   18588
Geom Basic format/A2.8xp   195
Geom Basic format/ZSIMPLIF.8xp   473
Geom Basic format/GEOM.8xp   9982

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