Fighter Jets 98 1.1
Ranked as 5309 on our all-time top downloads list with 6928 downloads. Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 I played it through several times Controls: 5/10 Slow, sometimes awkward Implementation: 7/10 Some good extras Overall: 7/10 Decent game that tries to do the impossible on an 82
This game tries to be a seek and destroy game, but it just doesn't work on a calc. I really can not recommend it. The calc AI is lousy and cheap, 1/2 the time it simply mimics your moves. The game screen is so small, that it just seems cramped. Maybe if it utilized a scrolling levels, it would be better.
The gameplay is not too horrific, but it would have been nice to have some Galaxian-like fast shooting instead of Spaze Invaders-like one bullet on the screen at a time slow play.
This game does have many extras, which do help a little. A speed changer and 2 levels of difficulty are a plus. There is a menu-based title screen with an instruction screen. Overall, I would say this game is fun for maybe four or five study halls. |
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