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Marin-The-Movie v1.1


Ranked as 12328 on our all-time top downloads list with 4149 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename marin.zip (Download)
Title Marin-The-Movie v1.1
Author Craig Slusher (simon@corner.hypermart.net)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (Ash)
File Size 4,844 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 11 02:43:59 1998
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Sam Heald
Reviewed on 2004-10-28
Attention span: 2/10 Lame
Controls: 6/10 Awkward
Implementation: 3/10 Poor
Overall: 3/10 It depends, do you enjoy watching grass grow?

Drop the man from a helicopter to a hay wagon. I remember playing a game like this for Mac called StuntCopter. Unfortunately, this game falls far short from my expectations.

The detection of whether or not the man hit the cart is poor. The helicopter can move down the screen so it is practically on top of the cart. Many things are missing as well. There is no score, no highscore, no levels, and no increasing difficulty. Also it should be noted that the controls really suck as well do the graphics.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
marin.txt   999
MARIN.82P   1757
marin.asm   12973

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