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A0MATH v1.2


Ranked as 2854 on our all-time top downloads list with 9287 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename a0tools.zip (Download)
Title A0MATH v1.2
Description A0MATH v1.2 and A0CHEM v1.2 Contains 2 programs (A0MATH and A0CHEM) -------------------------------------------- Trig Solver - Enter given data (any combo of 3 angles to 3 sides) and, if possible, this program will give you the other angles/sides. FOIL/Factor - IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Factor or Foil almost anything after entering the equation. Many options including: graphing answer and decimal answer. Poly. Multiply - multiply any polynomials to any degree. Enter the degree, then the polynomials. It could not be more easy. Statistics - Enter values and it spits out everything you need to know. It shows quartiles, outliers, and everything else (I mean everything)! Cramer's Rule - SHOWS WORK!! Enter equations and the work and asnwer is given. SqRt Simplify - Simplify any root to its most reduced form. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Probability - Notes on probability. Fraction Reducer - Reduces large fractions fast! IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Synthetic Division - IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Enter the greatest exp. Then enter the coef. It goes to work and answers the problem showing you the setup, work, and answer when it is done. Chemistry Light Equations - Wav to Energy to Freq and much more. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Periodic Table - Gives you notes about the different properties (i = increase, d = decrease). It also gives you the electron configuration of every element (the best out there). You can enter the atomic number, the symbol, or the name to get alll the info you need. Gas Laws/Partial Pressure - Shows you all the work to find any variable in boyles, combined, and ideal gas laws. It also gives you notes on every other gas law and the relationships between variables. It also has a partial pressure solver and a unit converter so you can use almost any standard unit of pressure, volume, and temperature. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK!
Author TheloniousMunnk (taz122125@ameritech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Programs (BasicBuilder)
File Size 32,717 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 20 01:58:25 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
A0TOOLS/A0CHEM.8xk   23000
A0TOOLS/A0MATH.8xk   22384
A0TOOLS/A0README.txt   2534

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