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Battle Frontier v1.2


Ranked as 21197 on our all-time top downloads list with 2790 downloads.

Filename battlefrontier.zip (Download)
Title Battle Frontier v1.2
Description *I took the name of this game from Pokemon Emerald, that game amuses me, and the concept from many different games* Well, it's a huge file... Atleast it isn't in menus and text... Ok, well first of all, there is a problem. You can walk through walls. I haven't been able to figure out how to do the strn detector thing yet, but I will get it! Also, the enemy Graca will level up after you buy a new attack, and the store is on the right hand side. When you go up, you find the 2 battlers that will challenge you. Just keep playing them untill you reach enough money to get Tripple Kick, the ultimate attack, but misses sooo much. Well, have fun with this. It's something new, and this is just the beginning. This is baiscally level 1. I'm planning for 4 levels the most. Lots of battling...jeez...Oh yea, I love the menu! I took the concept and idea from XX's game Black Jack Pro!. It's very cool actually. Well review it and let me know what I should improve on. *Don't cheat by walking through the walls. Play it like you would play it. Pretend the walls are there. :) v 0.8 - Didn't release it, had 2 attacks, potions and boss set up. No level ups v 1.0 - Added in some new attacks. Gave the computer more HP and new level ups. v 1.1 - Gave the comp more options, added in Options Menu, a brand new menu actually in the beginning of the game. Very nice menu though. v1.2 - Added in the CHEATS of the game, still haven't found an answer to the string detect problem I have, and 3 more new attacks, 8 attacks in all! Wow! Must beat the level 100 Graca with 200 HP. Made it so the attacks miss sometimes. A full game now, still without the string detect grrr...
Authors alex bardos (alex10819@gmail.com)
Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Battle)
File Size 5,517 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 17 02:11:49 2005
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Battle Frontier v1.2.txt   2094
BTLFRNTR.8xg   11697

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