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Sumo Wrestling v0.20


Ranked as 1254 on our all-time top downloads list with 14760 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 437 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.71.

Filename sumowrestling.zip (Download)
Title Sumo Wrestling v0.20
Description Get ready to play a full-featured Sumo Wrestling game, complete with everything from pre-match smack talk, to earthquake-inducing tosses, to creating your own customized wrestlers! Features include Two-Player link matches, intense button-smashing, yet strategic gameplay, built-in sumo editor for creating your own wrestlers, a wide variety of moves and creative finishes, well structured C source code included, Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs, and the graphics are awesome. All sixteen built-in wrestlers are official, top-ranked Japanese Sumo Wrestlers. The game will run on all 68k calcs, including the Ti-89 Titanium. Update includes the much anticipated Tournament Mode!
Author Travis Fischer (fisch0920@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Fighting)
File Size 166,238 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 27 22:30:49 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  RJ Larimore
Reviewed on 2005-06-11
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Overall score: 9/10

"Sumo Wrestling" is awesome! I am surprised that it didn't get featured. The controls are hard to get used to at first, but the variety of moves, especially the finishing moves, makes "Sumo Wrestling" great. It is fun creating a custom wrestler; I especially like making the "smack talk". The graphics are really good and it is fun to play in 2-player mode, as the link-play is fully functional and nearly bugless.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Sumo Wrestling/README/History.txt   16422
Sumo Wrestling/README/ReadMe.txt   16977
Sumo Wrestling/README/Summary.txt   639
Sumo Wrestling/Source/All.h   664
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Definitions.h   20554
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Editor.c   12223
Sumo Wrestling/Source/External Data/gfx.tpr   1252
Sumo Wrestling/Source/External Data/Main.c   4442
Sumo Wrestling/Source/External.c   4569
Sumo Wrestling/Source/faststr.h   7517
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Game.c   14454
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Globals.h   2112
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Info_Text.h   5973
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Interface.c   7203
Sumo Wrestling/Source/itoa_ushort_10.s   1478
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Languages.h   1467
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Link.c   11113
Sumo Wrestling/Source/MAIN.c   23104
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Messages.c   4687
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Misc.c   13427
Sumo Wrestling/Source/PrePostMatch.c   15820
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Ring.h   21858
Sumo Wrestling/Source/ScrollLib.c   8163
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Storyline.h   3960
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Structures.h   12843
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Sumo.tpr   2268
Sumo Wrestling/Source/SumoGfx.h   104956
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Tournament.c   11425
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Wrestlers.c   47095
Sumo Wrestling/Source/Wrestlers.h   11138
Sumo Wrestling/Sumo.89y   40729
Sumo Wrestling/Sumo.89z   1159

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