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Maze Pack V 1.1


Ranked as 25546 on our all-time top downloads list with 2349 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename mazepack.zip (Download)
Title Maze Pack V 1.1
Description --- UPDATED VERSION -Maze adventure level 4 fixed -Faster versions of all games added (old versions retained also) --- Fun fun fun! This is a package containing all five of the games in my Maze series. It includes the original Maze; the much-improved sequel (creatively titled Maze 2); an alternate-graphics version of Maze 2 called Maze 2 Negative; Maze 2 Easy, which includes some new levels and some of the easiers levels from Maze, running in the Maze 2 'engine'; and the exciting Maze Adventure, which brings four new levels and a linear progression structure. If you've played the original Maze and found it a bit dodgy, please give this ago, as the later games are much better. Features new to Maze 2 include a pause key (2ND to pause, any key to resume), the chance to view the level before you start moving (press any key to begin), the ability to go off the edge of the screen and appear at the opposite edge (not ripping off snake 2 in any way, of course ;-), and of course some new levels. ------ More fun and MORE DINOSAURS!
Author Matt Ralston (mralston@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Maze)
File Size 44,297 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 7 00:59:22 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MAZE.8xg   10242
MAZE2.8xg   8863
MAZE2NEG.8xg   8863
MAZEEASY.8xg   8863
MAZEADV.8xg   4703
MAZEFAST.8xg   10139
MAZE2FAS.8xg   8752
MAZE2NEF.8xg   8752
MAZEEASF.8xg   8752
MAZEADVF.8xg   4640
readme.txt   5263

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