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Kamikaze v3.0


Ranked as 10095 on our all-time top downloads list with 4746 downloads.

Filename kamakaziv3.0.zip (Download)
Title Kamikaze v3.0
Description The final updates are set. I fixed a couple of errors that I didn't catch in the last release, and I made a different ranking system, which is at the end of the game. Now, when you quit out of the game, your shields go to 0, so you fail. You still have money and points though, but your score won't be as high as what you want. It's fun, kinda like phoenix, and original *I think... Have fun, and please give it a try. Added a rating system at the END of the game, where it says Game Over. Have fun!
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters/Space)
File Size 68,387 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 18 16:58:39 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Trevin Murakami
Reviewed on 2005-04-16
“Kamakazi”, unfortunately, is one of those games that you want to say "Good effort," but it just doesn't come out quite right.

The graphics are very nominal, using your text area, it's simple Basic, the controls are a little sluggish, and the refresh rate is a little choppy.

The shops were a nice touch, considering the size of the program, but overall most of the programming is fairly inefficient.

The best thing, though, is the compactness and addictiveness of the game. Kind of a take-off of “Phoenix”/”Phantom”, instead of your own ship it's the idea of saving your ship from bombardments. Kind of a new twist – and that keeps the game fun.

Overall, not that great of a game, but might pan out to something pretty good.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Kamakazi v3.0.txt   2610
KAMIKAZE.8xp   4833

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