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Black Jack v3.0!


Ranked as 31008 on our all-time top downloads list with 1759 downloads.
Ranked as 3174 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename blackjackv3.zip (Download)
Title Black Jack v3.0!
Description It's Black Jack, and It's back. This is the NON CODEX version. The Codex version had so many bugs and errors that it just wasn't fun. I also switched some stuff around, and added in some things. Check out the screenshot to get a good idea of how the game works. It's a fun betting game, and now it isn't just seeing if you can get close to 21, now you got the dealer's first card, and you have to try and beat it. You never know what the dealer will have, and I also made the dealer much smarter, by placing in some extra if then statements, making it hit again if it's too far under, making the dealer much harder to beat. :). The rules aren't casino style. There is no double down, yet...Well have fun! Please take the time to rate this file, and write a review. I would like to know what you, the people who play these games, think of it. Thanx
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Casino/Cards)
File Size 54,543 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 9 02:20:23 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
BLAKJAK3.8xp   6075
Black Jack v3.txt   1156

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