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Gold Rush (The Lost Worlds) *Added levels


Ranked as 28472 on our all-time top downloads list with 2036 downloads.

Filename goldrushlostworlds.zip (Download)
Title Gold Rush (The Lost Worlds) *Added levels
Description *Use With Mario v2.0. Otherwise it is impossible to beat. These are very very original levels. Except for 2 levels in Lost World 2, I got really bored and decided to go and make "similar" levels like in the original mario for the old old nintendo. There are little twists in it though. The rest, IS ALL ORIGINAL STUFF! This is probably the hardest one so far. I'm not trying to brag, but seriously, over 50 levels of gameplay, over 35 levels I think of the full 128 collumn width, which is the maximum, and lots of challenging levels. It will take you a long long time to beat. To you, it may not seem that hard, but I even have trouble playing it. The second level is a killer. Anyways, here is a preview of the huge level i'm making. This world is going to be probably one of the biggest ones that I have ever worked on, including underground city type thingy, no water world, not in this one, i'm goina add a maze type temple in there, and a forest like thing. I'm not cheesy like the other ppl, so yea. They're actually pretty hard to beat. Lots of thinking when it comes to the part where you have to jump in level 3, you'll c. There is a little passage way that u can take, if you choose the right one and make the right choices. In level 4, it's basically coming out of the "forest" area, and you go into a little area. It's just kinda like the Creditz. It sez, Gold Rush with ? mark boxes, and then Jon Wong, which is me. You enter the gold mine. :)...(Hint: Don't always assume that just because there is an ending bar, that it is the end of the level ;) ). I don't wanna ruin all the levels, so start playing. :) . The rest of the levels are challenging. Level 6 is really wierd. I made it kinda messed up just for the fun of it.
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels (Mario)
File Size 18,958 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 5 14:24:19 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Gold Rush 5 Readme.txt   2060
GLDRUSHB.8xp   3496
GLDRUSH5.8xp   10913
GLDRUSH4.8xp   8563
GLDRUSHX.8xp   11930

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