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Racer X v1.0 and Racer X v2.0


Ranked as 30634 on our all-time top downloads list with 1806 downloads.

Filename racerx1and2.zip (Download)
Title Racer X v1.0 and Racer X v2.0
Description This is the same file, but I made some changes to Racer X, so redownload this version and send it to your calc. Same as the old version I worked on last year. Last year it was my first game, and I was proud. Now, since I fixed it up a little, it is probably my 24th program that I have made. The other programs are not on this site. They're little, like tricking your friends and stuff with a blinking cursure and stuff like that. But anyways, this is a new and improved version. Fast frames, still a little blinky. But I took out the Label and stuck in a While loop, because back then I didn't know how to use While loops. Much faster than before. Fun game. If you like dodging things while moving a vehicle around, this is the game for you! And if you like the competition for the highest score, this game is for you. *I would like to thank Dan Newman on teaching me some things last year...which made it easier for me to program.
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 27,567 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 3 15:06:53 2005
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Racer X Readme.txt   1970
RACERX.8xp   1706
RACERX2.8xp   1689
racerx.gif   28393

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