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Crazy Taxi v4.0


Ranked as 643 on our all-time top downloads list with 22510 downloads.
Ranked as 2710 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.
Ranked as 718 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 4.67.

Filename crazytaxi4.zip (Download)
Title Crazy Taxi v4.0
Description This game is based on the Dreamcast game 'Crazy Taxi'. In this game, you need to collect as much money as you can by dropping of several guys at their destination. It runs under MirageOS. Later I will make an optimized Ion version. To play this game, you need some good 'finger-skills'. There is a highscore system en the game contains 5 levels so you can play this game with your friends to get the best highscore!
Author Davy Anthonissen (davy_anthonissen@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 163,666 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 2 18:07:57 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- Simple maze-like game with timed levels that can keep someone interested for some time. 8/10

Memory- when I first looked at this game I saw the filesize and nearly killed myself from looking at the huge size. I doubted that the calc even had that much memory. But when i looked at the file inside I was calmed down. Turns out it was filled with many help menus and screenshots. The actual game doesn't take that up that much size and is approved. 10/10

Creativity- ... I kind of expected a birds eye view of a car driving down the street and going around a huge city but this isn't really that creative. No city is a smallish maze. 4/10

File- Expansive help and readme menus with detailed screenshots that can help view the game before playing really adds more to this program. 10/10

Graphics- WHAT IS UP WITH THE CONTRAST! The beginning screen is beautifully executed but then it locks on a very dark screen and you can't see much. I can't really judge graphics on a this game since it's only a maze. 2/10

Controls- User friendly controls that aren't very hard to recognize. 10/10

Overall- Nice try but needs to fix those small things that bring this game down.


  • The beginning screen takes too much time to roll in.
  • Needs a selection of drivers just like the game.

I hope this game gets an update.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
controls.html   789
crazyt4.8XP   12110
files.html   1180
readme.html   494
requirements.html   798
what.html   1451
screenshots/screenshots.html   989
screenshots/SHOT1.gif   1380
screenshots/SHOT10.gif   810
screenshots/SHOT11.gif   1080
screenshots/SHOT12.gif   1287
screenshots/SHOT13.gif   1511
screenshots/SHOT14.gif   1408
screenshots/SHOT15.gif   1961
screenshots/SHOT16.gif   1431
screenshots/SHOT17.gif   1467
screenshots/SHOT18.gif   1453
screenshots/SHOT4.gif   1405
screenshots/SHOT5.gif   1004
screenshots/SHOT6.gif   1010
screenshots/SHOT7.gif   1320
screenshots/SHOT8.gif   1312
screenshots/SHOT9.gif   1284
screenshots/Thumbs.db   179712
banner.html   251
contact.html   767
contents.html   584

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