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EW Commander


Ranked as 32848 on our all-time top downloads list with 1535 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename ew.zip (Download)
Title EW Commander
Description This is not what you think it is. It sounds like a BASIC windows-like 'nothing'-program, but is really the base of a FileSystem. At this time you can't do a thing with it, but maybe someone can use it. It is a big collection of programs witch use very much memory. The Idea is to rewrite the JOSFS2, JOSFS2R and JOSFS3 programs, and write some ASM programs, so you don't have to use a LIST (lFS), but a flash page. I'm only beginning in ASM so I need peoples help. This is why I do the 'stupid' thing to reread the LIST entry for each byte (see the source) If anyone has any idea, or wants to know something about this program, please contact me. I would like to co-program with someone else!!!
Author Erik van 't Wout (erik@hofhom.nl)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 4,237 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 1 03:41:47 2005
Documentation Included? No


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