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Black Jack (With ASM And Codex)


Ranked as 31090 on our all-time top downloads list with 1749 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename blackjackspbigscreen.zip (Download)
Title Black Jack (With ASM And Codex)
Description Attached is CODEX. I'm sorry for leaving out the author, Justic Wales, who is a genious, in the last release. Well here you go: There are many new things in Black Jack v2.0. First of all, there is a new option in the option menu, and that is game cheats. Once you unlock these cheats, you can use them in the cheat menu. However, there are limits to them. If you use them more than 3 times, you're money value will decrease, instead of increase. These cheats are only here to help you, not to get you up to over 1.5 X 10^99. Also, I changed the AI. There are two versions of this game. One with special effects, which is BlakJak2. I wanted to make an option, or a bonus so you can make the screen inverted, colors change, or just leave it as it is, black and white. That's a neat option. For now, it's inverted. I also added in a High Score thingy, and if there are any errors or bugs, email them to me at jonny23451@yahoo.com
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Casino/Cards)
File Size 37,115 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 5 03:38:20 2005
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
blackjack2.GIF   36782
BlackJack README! (IMPORTANT).txt   2681
BLACKJAK.8xp   5346
BLAKJAK2.8xp   6689
CODEX.8XP   908

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