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Nyetwork v1.3


Ranked as 28957 on our all-time top downloads list with 1984 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename nyetwork.zip (Download)
Title Nyetwork v1.3
Description This is a puzzle game that involves rotating segments of a network to connect computers to a server.
Author Peter J. Rowe (mig53@yahoo.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Games
File Size 32,238 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 29 21:56:27 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Astrid Smith
Reviewed on 2007-08-14
Controls: 4/10

The controls are standard for a TI-89 game, which is troublesome on the Voyage 200. The arrow keys move the cursor, and the 2nd key rotates the current piece. The problem with the V200 is that between 2nd and the arrow keys is the escape key, which quits the game with no confirmation. I found myself repeatedly exiting accidentally. Also, keyboard bounce is not controlled, leading to double keypresses very often. (Which, in turn, lowers your score meaninglessly.)

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics, while not gaudy, are well-executed, with no dropped pixels or other detritus.

Gameplay and Replayability: 10/10

This is where nyetwork really shines. The game is engaging enough that it almost made me miss my bus stop the first time I played it. It's infinitely replayable because each game is randomly generated. (Sticklers would argue that 10^70 different games isn't infinite, but who's counting?)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
nyetwork.v2y   6192
nyetwork.v2z   1159
nyetwork.9xz   1159
nyetwork.89y   6144
nyetwork.89z   1159
nyetwork.c   30132
nyetwork.tpr   1490
sprites.h   2532
vtilog.h   2688
readme.txt   1317
nyetwork.9xy   6192

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