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Matrix RPG


Ranked as 13298 on our all-time top downloads list with 3934 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename matrixrpg.zip (Download)
Title Matrix RPG
Description Update. I fixed some errors. Please review or rate this program if you thinks it is any good! Also, E-Mail me if you have any feedback or requests for more games. Here's a fairly short, but difficult story driven RPG that I whipped up during the long hours of boredom known as High School. Several years in the making, (because I am lazy) this RPG provides some cool graphics and animations all using BASIC. The main value of it being in BASIC is that all you other programers out there can see what I did to make the animations. Also, the story line is good and it adds to the Matrix story from the movies. Copies of this program may be distributed, as long as I am cited as the author. Contains the program and 5 picture files. compatible with TI-83+/84+.
Author Joshua Schmitt (kingxtream@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 20,551 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 26 20:27:48 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MatrixRPG/MATRIX.8xg   16753
MatrixRPG/MatrixReadme.txt   6647
MatrixRPG/PIC1.gif   2194
MatrixRPG/PIC2.gif   1858
MatrixRPG/PIC3.gif   1990
MatrixRPG/PIC4.gif   2768
MatrixRPG/PIC5.gif   2679

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