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StatLitE v1.02


Ranked as 30479 on our all-time top downloads list with 1823 downloads.
Ranked as 32297 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename statlite.zip (Download)
Title StatLitE v1.02
Description StatLitE v1.02 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals. StatLitE is also a 12.3k alternative to the full 317k Stat LE Flash App. Included are pdfs and cdfs for the binomial, chi-squared, F-distribution, geometric, normal, Poisson and Student’s t distributions. The inverse normal cdf is also part of this package. Inverse chi-squared, F-distribution and Student’s t use the built-in solve function. Those three inverses run VERY SLOWLY! Supporting functions are the beta, incomplete beta, regularized beta, error function, complementary error function, double factorial, rising factorial, gamma, natural log gamma, lower incomplete gamma, upper incomplete gamma, and regularized gamma.
Author Bob Wang (bobby_wang@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Math Programs
File Size 96,443 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 27 23:31:52 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
StatLitE v1.02 V2.tig   18370
main.betainc.89f   303
main.betareg.89f   263
main.binomcdf.89f   493
main.binompdf.89f   387
main.chi2cdf.89f   352
main.chi2inv.89f   254
main.chi2pdf.89f   364
main.erf.89f   1646
main.erfc.89f   178
main.factdbl.89f   361
main.factrise.89f   253
main.fcdf.89f   523
main.finv.89f   264
main.fpdf.89f   459
main.gamma.89f   645
main.gammaln.89f   355
main.gammalwr.89f   283
main.gammareg.89f   218
main.gammaupr.89f   287
main.geomcdf.89f   484
main.geompdf.89f   331
main.normcdf.89f   358
main.norminv.89f   2383
main.normpdf.89f   295
main.poisscdf.89f   414
main.poisspdf.89f   307
main.tcdf.89f   517
main.tinv.89f   261
main.tpdf.89f   382
cdf89-1.gif   2157
cdf89-2.gif   2091
cdf92p.gif   3000
cdfv2.gif   3000
mem89.gif   2062
mem92p.gif   2905
memv2.gif   2881
norm89.gif   2150
norm92p.gif   2557
normf6v2.gif   2486
normf689.gif   1888
normf692.gif   2478
normi89.gif   2402
normi92p.gif   2963
normiv2.gif   2957
normv2.gif   2558
Distribution function examples.doc   31744
StatLitE.doc   137728
main.archdist.89p   1146
History.txt   411
StatLitE.txt   3229
StatLitE v1.02 89.tig   18370
StatLitE v1.02 92p.tig   18370

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