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Ranked as 20448 on our all-time top downloads list with 2886 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename coexist.zip (Download)
Title Coexist
Description Basically Coexist is your standard life simulation game. You live in a house the size of 6 screens, you have to eat, work, buy furniture, operate doors, enjoy yourself and stay alive in general. The only twist is that you live with another character, an Artificial intelligence, He can also work, buy stuff, eat, have fun and make a mess. This character lives in the same house as you and is available for conversations (In English). Essentially this game is a demonstration of the ti-83+ ability to make a realistic AI.
Author Lawrence Matheson (opinionsrgood@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 15,935 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 2 23:08:59 2005
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Co-Exist/Downloads/COEXIST.8xp   1540
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaACTIVE.8xp   1316
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaBED.8xp   140
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaBED2.8xp   184
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaBUY.8xp   1624
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaCHAIR.8xp   120
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaCHAIR2.8xp   84
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaCOMP.8xp   172
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaCOMP2.8xp   508
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaCOMP3.8xp   140
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaDELETE.8xp   600
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaDOOR.8xp   432
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaHOUSE.8xp   468
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaMEMORY.8xp   156
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaMESS.8xp   152
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaMESS2.8xp   96
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaMICRO.8xp   168
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaMICRO2.8xp   164
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaPAUSE.8xp   176
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaPERSON.8xp   1604
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaPHONE.8xp   160
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaPHONE2.8xp   164
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaQUIT.8xp   88
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaROOM.8xp   140
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaSIGHT.8xp   580
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaSTATS.8xp   496
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaSTREET.8xp   744
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaSTREET2.8xp   340
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaTALK.8xp   3692
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaTOILET.8xp   172
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaTOILET2.8xp   156
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaTV.8xp   168
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaTV2.8xp   132
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaUSE.8xp   300
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaUSE2.8xp   480
Co-Exist/Downloads/thetaYOU.8xp   148
Co-Exist/Read me.txt   1060

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