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Quadtris v1.1


Ranked as 22409 on our all-time top downloads list with 2676 downloads.

Filename quadtris.zip (Download)
Title Quadtris v1.1
Description This new update includes an Extra Options Menu where you can activate many features to make the puzzle game more challenging and/or fun. New twists and turns include X-flip, Y-flip, X-distort, Y-distort, grayscale on/off, shape morph, shake, hole punch, sprite morph, X-lean, Y-lean, mirage effects, raining effects, explosive line clearing, light/dark layer swap, jerking, and super speed. Look at readme.txt for more information. It's like not any other game you've have played on your calc.
Author Yu Xuan Yi (yxyworld@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 77,295 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 28 07:10:19 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Blocks/BackDrop.c   6461
Blocks/Blocks.c   13237
Blocks/DrawText.c   8541
Blocks/Field.c   14480
Blocks/gameio.c   9379
Blocks/Gets.c   4531
Blocks/GLOB_VAR.H   7131
Blocks/GLOBALS.H   1887
Blocks/Lines.c   10807
Blocks/Link.c   15401
Blocks/Menu.c   35824
Blocks/Misc.c   4275
Blocks/Scores.c   6702
Blocks/Special.c   18040
Blocks/Tetrad.c   14971
Blocks/Mainbloc.c   17845
Blocks/Quadtris.tpr   1502
Quadtril/Quadtril.tpr   1202
Quadtril/Quadtril.c   936
Quadtril.89z   681
Quadtris.89z   46857
Quadtris-data.89y   33612
screen1.gif   4693
screen2.gif   4445
screen3.gif   5236
screen4.gif   4907
Readme.txt   8884

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