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Math-Calc v.6.5


Ranked as 11308 on our all-time top downloads list with 4411 downloads.

Filename mathcalc.zip (Download)
Title Math-Calc v.6.5
Description Perfect for Algebra 2, Geometry, and Chemistry 1. Contains slope and intercepts, a vertex solver, an equation finder and solver, a simplified square roots finder, a synthetic polynomial divider, a section that will give you the t-chart and graph of a parabola, a section that will solve a system of linear equalations in two or three variables, A triangle solver, A distance finder, a midpoint finder, a section that will find the volume and surface area af a cone, cylinder, pyrimid, rectangular prism, sphere; and finally, a section that will convert between grams, moles, and atoms, and a section that will convert between frequency, wavelength, and energy,and one that finds the empirical formula of two elements;plus much more! E-mail suggestions to HScalcnerd@hotmail.com.
Author Brian Dean (hscalcnerd@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 36,461 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 2 22:22:01 2005
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Nick Jones
Reviewed on 2005-02-17
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Math-Calc” is definitely the best math program I have seen! It is user-friendly and very versatile, while being one of the most complete math programs out there. It performs operations that I did not think calculators could do. It is not overloaded with all the minute things that everyone can do in there head anyway. Other math programs use flashy menus and useless functions that take up way too much space and run too slowly. There is no waiting with “Math-Calc!” It is simple and to the point, yet it does everything I need it to do. I would definitely recommend this to students taking either Algebra 1 or 2, Geometry, or Chemistry.

Rating: 10/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
README.txt   2558
SCREEN01.JPG   6470
SCREEN02.JPG   9922
SCREEN03.JPG   11797
SCREEN04.JPG   8555

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