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Theta vs Pi 2


Ranked as 30299 on our all-time top downloads list with 1834 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename thetavspi2.zip (Download)
Title Theta vs Pi 2
Description Theta is back for a birds eye view adventure, this time with all 64 levels a variation on the first eight and although he only has 2d graphics, he has 3d movement. All the enemies are back and so is Eta. So enjoy, by the way there is also a small racing game thrown in with the game.
Author Lawrence Matheson (opinionsrgood@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 15,359 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 15 04:17:55 2005
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Theta Vs Pi 2/Race/RACE.8xp   1564
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2 (Read Me).doc   36864
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/THETA2.8xp   1412
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaCOIN.8xp   164
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaDOOR.8xp   332
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaDRAW.8xp   236
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaEND.8xp   360
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaETA.8xp   144
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaFLOAT.8xp   564
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaKINGPI.8xp   960
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaLOAD.8xp   156
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaPAUSE.8xp   264
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaPI.8xp   320
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaPLACE.8xp   360
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaPLACZ.8xp   472
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaSPIKE.8xp   128
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/thetaX.8xp   364
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X1.8xp   3584
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X2.8xp   440
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X3.8xp   440
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X4.8xp   476
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X5.8xp   572
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X6.8xp   656
Theta Vs Pi 2/Theta Vs Pi 2/X7.8xp   888

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