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Xenode v0.9


Ranked as 31549 on our all-time top downloads list with 1684 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename xenode.zip (Download)
Title Xenode v0.9
Description This is a very fun RPG like game. Currently, you move around in a world called Xenode. You fight enemies and gain strength as well as money. The boss is on the far right hand side of the map, so you can go there and fight him when ever you want. You can also go to the shop when ever you want, which is on the top side of the map. There is no save option because you will either die or win within 1 hour. Its addictive though! A newer and better version will come out later. (don't know when cause i dont have time to work on it, but i'll try). Enjoy!
Author Troy Shu (tmshu1@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Games
File Size 8,487 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 2 23:07:36 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Xenode.86p   7761
Xenode Readme.rtf   3405
screen.GIF   1230
screen2.GIF   1027
screen3.GIF   1351
screen4.GIF   1432

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