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3d Polygon Drawer/mover/manipulator


Ranked as 31407 on our all-time top downloads list with 1714 downloads.

Filename engine3d.zip (Download)
Title 3d Polygon Drawer/mover/manipulator
Description To make something...select create shape, than tell the program how many points ur shap has...then tell the program how many lines (edges) ur shape has. Then input the x, y, and z coordinate for each point, then input the line order....for example...for line one, u might want to enter 3 then 6 to tell the calc to connect points 3 to 6 to make a line. (its easier if u write it out on paper first with drawing the shape) Once ur done with that, select RENDER, and input the horizontal viewing angle, the verticle viewing angle, the window max (based on how big ur object it), and the viewing limit (the distance to the final point of perspect, where everything would generally go to a point)... horizontal angle...when 0...then ur looking at ur object straight, when 90, then ur looking at it for the right, when 180...from the back, 270 from the left....verticle angle works the same way....0 is front, 90 is top, 180 is back , 270 is bottom (these values affect object rotatation)...then once its done rendering..should be a couple of seconds...select draw...and viola...u got ursef a 3d object.. :)...
Author Roman R (carrotstien@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (3-D)
File Size 833 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 9 02:12:30 2004
Documentation Included? No


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engine3d.8Xg   1256

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