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PicView v2.1


Ranked as 2078 on our all-time top downloads list with 10985 downloads.
Ranked as 1919 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 11 downloads.

Filename picview.zip (Download)
Title PicView v2.1
Description Tired of viewing Pics in your Graph? With PicView, you don't have to turn the axes on and off or to deactivate you functions. You can view black&white- pictures, 2 pictures in grayscale mode and new in v2.0 3 pictures with 7 (or 8) shades of gray!! Thanks to Kevin Kofler for the 3-plane-Grayscale-support! Version 2.1 is optimized and nearly 1kByte smaller and released under the GNU Public License.
Author Jonas Gehring (saubue@mobifiles.de)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 130,895 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 26 02:05:19 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
PicView 2.1/GNU license.txt   15250
PicView 2.1/readme.txt   3116
PicView 2.1/Source/picview.c   9282
PicView 2.1/Source/PicView.tpr   1488
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/screen_2planes.GIF   1750
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/screen_3planes01.GIF   2469
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/screen_3planes02.GIF   1786
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/screen_3planes03.GIF   2010
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/screen_mono.GIF   1081
PicView 2.1/Screenshots/scrren_animated_3planes.GIF   30330
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/bmw_2planes.v2g   4140
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/bmw_3planes.v2g   6169
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/bmw_monochrome.v2i   2095
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/moto_2planes.v2g   2380
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/moto_3planes.v2g   3529
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/moto_monochrome.v2i   1215
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/ti89_v200_2planes.v2g   2660
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/ti89_v200_3planes.v2g   3949
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Voyage 200/ti89_v200_monochrome.v2i   1355
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/bmw_2planes.9xg   4140
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/bmw_3planes.9xg   6169
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/bmw_monochrome.9xi   2095
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/moto_2planes.9xg   2380
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/moto_3planes.9xg   3529
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/moto_monochrome.9xi   1215
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/ti89_v200_2planes.9xg   2660
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/ti89_v200_3planes.9xg   3949
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI92+/ti89_v200_monochrome.9xi   1355
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/bmw_2planes.89g   4140
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/bmw_3planes.89g   6169
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/bmw_monochrome.89i   2095
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/moto_2planes.89g   2380
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/moto_3planes.89g   3529
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/moto_monochrome.89i   1215
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/ti89_v200_2planes.89g   2660
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/ti89_v200_3planes.89g   3949
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/TI89 & TI89Titanium/ti89_v200_monochrome.89i   1355
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Source/bmw.bmp   17078
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Source/moto.bmp   4598
PicView 2.1/Example pictures/Source/ti89_v200.bmp   10798
PicView 2.1/Binaries/Voyage 200/PicView.v2z   5827
PicView 2.1/Binaries/TI92+/PicView.9xz   5827
PicView 2.1/Binaries/TI89 & TI89Titanium/PicView.89z   5827

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