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Tairo v0.61


Ranked as 10122 on our all-time top downloads list with 4751 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tairo.zip (Download)
Title Tairo v0.61
Description Tairo is a one-player strategy game, also known as 'Peg Solitaire'. You have to jump over coins, while the coin over which you've jumped is taken away. The goal of the game is to have only one coin left on the board. Features: ***45 different levels ***Time mode with six skill levels ***'highscore': the levels you already solved are marked ***1-Level-Undo ***Beatiful animations Now compiled with TIGCC v0.96 Beta 4
Author Jonas Gehring (saubue@mobifiles.de)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Strategy)
File Size 240,327 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 1 01:29:00 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Tairo/discription.txt   377
Tairo/GNU license.txt   15250
Tairo/readme.txt   7659
Tairo/Screenshots/animated.gif   125170
Tairo/Screenshots/screen01.gif   3149
Tairo/Screenshots/screen02.gif   3494
Tairo/Source/extgraph.a   325276
Tairo/Source/extgraph.h   114889
Tairo/Source/game.c   12426
Tairo/Source/gfx.c   12378
Tairo/Source/gfx.h   1334
Tairo/Source/Graphics/logo.asm   9057
Tairo/Source/Graphics/logo.bin   1104
Tairo/Source/Graphics/logo.bmp   13302
Tairo/Source/Graphics/logo.gst   11378
Tairo/Source/Graphics/sprts.asm   288
Tairo/Source/Graphics/sprts.gst   1394
Tairo/Source/levels.h   54138
Tairo/Source/logo.c   3647
Tairo/Source/logo.h   4280
Tairo/Source/tairo.c   3678
Tairo/Source/tairo.h   3761
Tairo/Source/Tairo.tpr   1456
Tairo/Source/util.c   3488
Tairo/TI89 & TI89Titanium/Tairo.89y   11157
Tairo/TI89 & TI89Titanium/Tairo.89z   1099
Tairo/TI92Plus/Tairo.9xy   11157
Tairo/TI92Plus/Tairo.9xz   1099
Tairo/Voyage 200 PLT/Tairo.v2y   11157
Tairo/Voyage 200 PLT/Tairo.v2z   1099

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