aA Pong 2
Ranked as 989 on our all-time top downloads list with 16956 downloads. Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
Joe Pena
Reviewed on
This is yet another BASIC Pong game! However, it does include temporary highscore saving (resets whenever you restart the program) and a one or two player option.
However, the game is quite slow and controls and difficult to operate with two-players.
Graphics: 1. Lacks any graphical components. Gameplay: 2. Speed: 1. Slower than most BASIC games. Originality: 1. It's Pong! What do you expect?Controls: 1. Extra features: Three Temporary highscores, save it to a list next time.
Overall: 2. I do not advise you to download this game. |
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