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All Equations


Ranked as 3468 on our all-time top downloads list with 8435 downloads.
Ranked as 3302 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename allequations.zip (Download)
Title All Equations
Description This is my program that allows you to solve for several math equations. It includes geometric equations for solving area and circumference for a circle, volume and surface area of a sphere, cylinder, cube, and cone, the area and perimeter of a square, area and the pathagorean theorum for a triangle, and side, radius, apothum and area of regular polygons. It also solves for the quadratic formula, logrithmic equations, and trigometric problems. But that's not all, it also does conversions for the imperial and metric systems. Enjoy!
Author Jonathan MacDonald (thetrumpetist@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 2,875 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 31 21:26:22 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Paul Bellar
Reviewed on 2004-11-03
“All Equations” is a wonderful program for all math classes up to and partially including pre-calculus. It solves a wide variety of programs correctly and thoroughly. It is completely bug-free (from what I’ve seen) and it works great! I use it every day now. It's really helpful for those tricky problems, like solving all three terms of logs (log (baseB) of A=C) and three dimensional geometry. On a scale of one to ten, I give “All Equations” a ten.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LOGARITH.8xp   279
QUADFORM.8xp   187
TRIGONOM.8xp   351
ALLEQU.8xp   433
ALLEQUAT.8xp   1838
CONVER.8xp   1255

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