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Kalaha v.2.1


Ranked as 7063 on our all-time top downloads list with 5913 downloads.
Ranked as 2764 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename kalaha.zip (Download)
Title Kalaha v.2.1
Description *** FINAL-VERSION *** You don't know the game called "Kalaha"? Ok, you may call it Mancala, Bantumi or what ever. However it is a really old, well-known boardgame from Africa and there are a lot of game-variations. Try this out and I would really appreciate feedbacks etc. Look at the read-me. * fixed bug *
Author Martin Huber (mhubi@freesurf.ch)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Games
File Size 384,562 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 26 04:29:11 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Kalaha21/GPL.txt   15387
Kalaha21/ReadMe.txt   7675
Kalaha21/ReadMe_Ge.txt   11007
Kalaha21/Screenshots/FILM.GIF   114687
Kalaha21/Screenshots/SCREEN1.GIF   1244
Kalaha21/Screenshots/SCREEN2.GIF   4482
Kalaha21/Screenshots/SCREEN3.GIF   4632
Kalaha21/Source/Ai21.c   12570
Kalaha21/Source/data21.h   12986
Kalaha21/Source/definitions21.h   6405
Kalaha21/Source/Extern21.c   11819
Kalaha21/Source/extgraph.a   320930
Kalaha21/Source/extgraph.h   102954
Kalaha21/Source/Game-Routines21.c   13903
Kalaha21/Source/globals21.h   1832
Kalaha21/Source/graphics21.h   12285
Kalaha21/Source/Gui21.c   13978
Kalaha21/Source/Input21.c   5493
Kalaha21/Source/kalaha21.tpr   1694
Kalaha21/Source/Main21.c   6148
Kalaha21/Source/main-h21.h   2842
Kalaha21/Source/Screen21.c   13638
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/French/kalaha21.9xy   17130
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/French/kalaha21.9xz   2010
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/German/kalaha21.9xy   17124
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/German/kalaha21.9xz   2010
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/kalaha21.9xy   17048
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/kalaha21.9xz   2010
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/Non-Graphical English/kalaha21.9xy   16991
Kalaha21/TI92Plus/Non-Graphical English/kalaha21.9xz   2010
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/French/kalaha21.v2y   17130
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/French/kalaha21.v2z   2010
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/German/kalaha21.v2y   17124
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/German/kalaha21.v2z   2010
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/kalaha21.v2y   17048
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/kalaha21.v2z   2010
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/Non-Graphical English/kalaha21.v2y   16991
Kalaha21/Voyage 200/Non-Graphical English/kalaha21.v2z   2010

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